Empowerment Series Workshop with Cindi Martin
November 9th, 2023
6 p.m. CST- 7:30 p.m. CST
Zoom Link to Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0odu2tpzwrG9yQL7fJf7DUw5r1buili1Qx

World Kindness Day, November 13th, 2023
We would love to hear from you! What will you do to celebrate Kindness Day?
Send us your story at deafequity@gmail.com

November 16th, 2023 is Give to the Max Day!
We are raising $3,000.00 for specific programming and events. Visit our page to learn more.

Video by Riss Leitzke, Deaf Equity Empowerment Director
Image of Riss, short blonde hair, glasses, dark shirt and dark background signing about Give to the Max day and what we are raising funds for.
Signing Santa Event, December 9th, 2023

Image of red flyer with white words: Signing Santa and Elves
December 9th, 2023
Time: 1:30 to 3:30
Charles Thompson Hall Deaf Club
1824 Marshall Avenue,Saint Paul, Minnesota
Save the Date
Logo: Deaf Equity Logo: KIS